University Vision Centre
Emergency Eyecare
in El Paso
Why Choose University Vision Centre for
Emergency Eye Care?
At University Vision Centre, our multi-lingual team is ready to assist you with any eye emergencies. Our expertise often makes us a better choice than an ER generalist!

Eye Emergencies during business hours and our 24 hour on-call doctor
- During regular business hours, please call immediately so we can help.
- After hours, call our office and follow the emergency instructions – one of our on-call doctors will contact you within and hour. If your injury or eye condition is severe, or you have other non-eye related injuries, please call 911 or seek medical attention from the ER prior to our examination.
What Are Signs of An Eye Emergency?
While many temporary changes to your vision aren’t cause for concern, you should contact us immediately if you experience any of the following:
- Sudden loss of vision
- Sudden double vision
- Painful or red eyes
- A sudden onset of floaters, light flashes, haloes, and other vision obstructions
- Severe eye infections
- Scratches, abrasions, and other injuries
- Foreign objects in the eye, including chemical exposure

Our Multi-Lingual Team of Doctors
We are always here as a reliable partner for our El Paso community’s eye care, regardless of what emergency eye care you’re facing. That’s why we have a team of bilingual doctors who can treat you in English or Spanish, so that you and your eyes receive the detailed attention you need!
Emergency Care in El Paso
We’re dedicated to keeping your eyes healthy no matter what, so don’t hesitate to call the location closest to you if anything happens. If you call after hours and your injury or eye condition is severe, or you have other, non-eye related injuries, please seek medical attention from the ER prior to our examination.
Eastside Office
Westside Office
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