University Vision Centre
Diabetic Eye Exams
in El Paso, TX
Why Are Diabetic
Eye Exams Important?
When you have diabetes, it’s crucial to monitor your health for any potential irregularities, and that’s especially true for your eyes. At University Vision Centre, we provide diabetic eye tests as part of our full-service eye care to protect your eyesight from potential diabetic complications.

The Best
Eye Care
In El Paso, TX
Our dedicated team of eye care experts provides the best diabetic eye exams for the communities we serve — one of the many reasons why we’re named Best Optometrists in El Paso, TX!
What’s Different About
Our Diabetic Eye Exams
in El Paso, TX?
University Vision Centre’s team of friendly professionals is trained to identify the unique eye issues that are relevant to our patients with diabetes. Our compassionate staff uses advanced technology, such as Optos ultra-widefield™ retinal imaging, to catch issues like diabetic retinopathy before they can impact your vision. For patients over the age of 40, we also use optical coherence tomography to check and see if your eyes are showing indicators of glaucoma or other potential concerns. If our expert eye doctors detect anything, we will tailor a treatment plan to fit your specific needs so we can keep you seeing clearly.

Why Choose University Vision Centre?
We understand how important your vision is, which is why we use only the latest, most effective technology to care for your eyes. Our team is passionate about your eye health, and we use this technology during diabetic eye exams to make sure your eyesight is preserved and protected from any issues and diseases.
Our diabetic eye exams are designed to identify conditions common in patients with diabetes, even hard-to-catch ones like glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and other retinal diseases. Our doctors will go through the results of your tests with you and make sure you feel involved about the status of your eye health. With our attentive staff and advanced technology, University Vision Centre will keep you seeing your best for years to come!

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